When will I find out where I am living?
Current students will select housing assignments on March 27 and can log in to Jacket Connect for details. Incoming students who apply by June 15 will select housing on July 8. Those who apply after June 15 will be assigned on a rolling basis. Please check your BW email address for information on the process and housing assignments.
Can I see my room before moving in?
Due to summer conferences, rooms are not available for viewing or measuring prior to check in. The Admission Office does include a "show room" visit during campus tours. Videos of residence hall rooms are also available to current BW students at bw.erezlife.com under resources.
What comes with my room?
All rooms have the following furniture:
- Extra-long twin bed per student
- Closet or movable wardrobe
- Dresser space
- Desk and chair per student
- Wastebasket - uses tall kitchen bags
- Recycle bin
- Horizontal blinds - wait until you move in and measure your windows before purchasing additional window treatments.
See a complete list of amenities for each residence hall.
What should I bring?
Print this list for an easy guide of the items you should bring to campus.
Note: Residents of Davidson Commons (Davidson, Klein and Saylor halls), Carmel, Front Street Residence Hall, campus apartments or a room that has a private bathroom, MUST bring toilet, shower and sink cleaning supplies.
BW partners with Bedloft.com to rent MicroFridges to students. The eco-friendly unit has 2.9 cubic feet total storage capacity, including a full freezer and a 600 watt microwave. You can pre-order a Microfridge and have it delivered to your room before move-in day. MicroFridges may also be rented on move-in day, but quantities will be limited.
What am I not allowed to bring?
You should NOT bring the following:
- Candles and incense (even decorative)
- Coffee pots with hot plates
- Contact/wall paper
- Dartboards with metal tipped darts
- Flammables (gasoline, propane, etc.)
- Freezers
- George Foreman Grills and similar type grills
- Halogen lights/lamps
- Hotplate, toaster, toaster ovens or other appliances with exposed heating elements
- Illegal drugs
- Pets except for fish in a 20-gallon or less aquarium
- Space heaters
- Street signs
- Weapons or ammunition of any kind (including martial arts weapons, air-soft style or paint ball equipment)
Is my room air conditioned?
Air conditioning is provided in 21 Beech, Carmel, Ernsthausen, Findley, Front Street, North, and Davidson Commons.
Residential rooms in Constitution, Floreske, Heritage, and Lang do not have air conditioning. However, students are permitted to bring and set up one portable air conditioner per room. Students must coordinate with their roommate(s) to purchase or rent a unit (bedloft.com). These requirements must be followed:
- Only portable floor-style units are permitted. Window units are no longer permitted. Any window units installed in rooms will be removed by the BW Buildings and Grounds department.
- The unit must be 6,000 BTUs or less.
- When purchasing an air conditioner, confirm that it is an air conditioner and not an evaporative cooler.
- The unit must not draw more than 12 amps.
- The unit must be plugged into the ivory/white receptacles (there should be 2 together) and NOT the gray receptacles in rooms in the wiremold (there should be 4 of those together).
- Microwaves or other appliances that draw a lot of power may not be in the same outlet.
- Students are responsible for installation. Students may NOT use the self-adhesive sticky foam insulation that comes with some units (it will likely cause major damage to the window). If the window seal is too short, a piece of plywood and painter's tape can be provided by a residence hall staff member.
- The unit must be regularly maintained (filters cleaned and water drained properly if applicable) by the student.
Baldwin Wallace University reserves the right to inspect rooms to make sure air conditioners are plugged into the correct outlet and outlets are not overloaded. BW is not responsible for repairs to portable air conditioners.
Are residence halls co-educational?
All halls are co-educational. Some are co-educational by floor (one gender per floor) and others are co-educational by room (one gender per room, but the floor may have rooms with the opposite gender). Floors that are co-educational by room have separate bathroom facilities for each gender. Gender inclusive housing is also available on campus.
Can I loft my bed?
BW partners with Bedloft.com to provide a loft rental program. Renting a bed loft is an easy, affordable way to create additional living space in your room. You can pre-order a loft online and have it delivered to your room before move-in day. Lofts may also be rented on move-in day, but availability will be limited. Bedloft is the only loft endorsed and approved by Baldwin Wallace University.
Students are not permitted to bring in personal lofts.
Note: The second and third floor suites in Davidson cannot accommodate lofted beds.
Are animals allowed?
Pets are not permitted in the residence halls with the exception of small fish (as noted in student handbook).
Emotional Support Animals (ESA), once approved through residence life, are permitted in University housing. For the complete ESA rules, procedures and application forms, visit our MyBW page or email reslife@360study.net.
Service animals, as defined by the ADA, are permitted in University housing. Students are encouraged to voluntarily provide information about their service animal to residence life so that appropriate staff (e.g. hall staff, custodial, campus maintenance, etc.) can be made aware of the presence of the service animal, ensure appropriate waste disposal options exist and alert emergency personnel if necessary.
What can be done if I don't like my room assignment?
A change process is available after the second week of classes each semester.
Can first-year students have cars on campus?
First-year residential students are permitted to have cars on campus. However, they may only park in the Center Parking Lot.
How often are rooms cleaned?
Students are responsible for cleaning their own rooms. Custodial staff are responsible for cleaning the public areas (hallways, lounges, etc.) and public restrooms. Students with bathroom facilities in their individual rooms or suites are responsible for cleaning their own bathrooms on a regular basis with their own cleaning supplies.
Am I able to store my belongings at BW over the summer?
Students are unable to store items at BW over the summer, however, BW is excited to recommend Storage Squad as a preferred storage provider.
- Storage Squad's everyday low pricing is determined by size of item stored and includes free mega boxes, tape, pickup, four months of storage and re-delivery.
- Questions about storing with Storage Squad can be directed to support@storagesquad.com or (830) 200-0269.
Learn more about Storage Squad.
Please be aware that all transactions for summer storage are directly between the student and the vendor. BW Residence Life and Housing does not coordinate storage for individual student items, nor are we responsible for the individual business transactions made between the student and the vendor.
How do students submit a work order for their room (e.g., a burnt out lightbulb)?
Depending on the issue a student is experiencing, either BW Buildings and Grounds or Aramark will respond to the work order request. To submit a work order, students can inform a residence life staff member in their building or contact our office at (440) 826-2114 or reslife@360study.net.
In case of an emergency that requires immediate attention after hours (flooding in a bathroom, a broken window, etc.), contact BW Safety & Security at (440) 826-2000.
How do I get mail?
The BW Mail Center receives student mail and packages, distributing mail every weekday to students' secured mailboxes in their residence halls. Packages are kept in the mail center in Bonds Hall for pick-up. Students are notified by email when a package is received. Outgoing mail pick up is also available to students.
Learn your mailing address here.